Aloe Vera is not just for sunburns! 7 ways to use Aloe Vera as a health treatment.
If it isn't obvious already… We love Aloe Vera!
Even though you may remember aloe vera as that gel from the pharmacy your parents rubbed on your shoulders after a long day in the sun, it serves far more purpose than just treating sunburns.
Here are seven different ways you can use aloe as a health treatment, both topically and orally.
Cold sores are those annoying little blisters caused by viral infections around the mouth. Aloe can help heal cold sores faster by promoting faster skin cell regeneration, the process in which healthy cells replace infected ones. It also soothes the discomfort and pain induced by them.
Aloe’s soothing and moisturizing properties make it perfect for helping alleviate psoriasis, a condition in which skin cells build up and form scales and itchy, dry patches. Products containing aloe vera, like creams and moisturizers, can help soothe the dry flakiness and inflammation caused by psoriasis.
Aside from the topical use of aloe, digesting aloe orally in the form of juices or gels can benefit your internal health...
A backed-up digestive system can be uncomfortable and perhaps even painful. Luckily, aloe vera is a natural laxative and can potentially relieve certain symptoms when consumed orally by promoting digestion. You can maintain regular bowel motions by drinking aloe juice or gel beverages designed for oral use. Drinking aloe can increase the frequency of bowel movements, which has a significant impact on how your stomach feels.